KOEI AFRICA Staff pays courtesy call to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning on 24th October, 2023


Mr. Akifumu Watanabe signs the Visitor's Book
Mr. Akifumu Watanabe  of KOEI-Africa signs the Visitor's Book as Mr. Akbar Ahmed looks on


The KOEI-Africa team is part of Presenters of the ongoing 2nd DURP Conference and will be making a presentation on "Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Development in  Africa Cities- Opportunities for Smart and Climate Resilience Infrastructure in Africa". 

Koel Africa (KAF) is a wholly owned sub subsidiary of Nippon Koei, which is Japan's No. 1 International Engineering Consultants. The Project Managers and Engineers provide strong engineering solutions for clients by planning, designing and supervising construction of infrastructure projects in the fields of transportation, resources, urban development, agriculture and rural rural development, energy and more.


Mr. Akbar Ahmed of KOEI-Africa signs the visitor''s book at the Department
Mr. Akbar Ahmed of KOEI-Africa signs the visitor's book at the Department