HOPE FOR SLUMS-KIBERA 2030 contributes to achieving the United Nations Agenda Target 11.1: "By 2030 ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums". It has been designed in alignment with the criteria and principles of the UN Participatory Slum Upgrading Program.

HOPE FOR SLUMS-KIBERA 2030 aims at demonstrating that producing affordable housing through private sector by harnessing the real estate market rather than by relying on public funds, is possible.

Planning regulations and financial evaluations enable linking together the construction of private housing capable of leveraging profit for the investors and affordable  housing produced by the same private developers as compensation measures established within the framework of the planning process.

This approach has been applied (in a pilot case study) to Kibera, the largest slum in Kenya.  This is an absolute novelty because so far, the connection between land value capture and housing affordability in slums regeneration hasn't been almost explored.

Kibera 2030 includes a simulation on two Kibera villages, demonstrating that it is possible to meet Kibera residents' housing provision in new developments, entirely borne by the private market according to the calculations based on real data.  

Financial simulations are complemented by a preliminary master plan for the two villages, including studies of new housing typologies, enabling social inclusion and local economic growth.

Findings from this research revolutionze the current approaches on slums regeneration and pave the way to market driven process of slum regeneration, where public stakeholders and local governments still must keep strong regulatory planning powers and direction, but market forces can  be the financial drivers of the end of slums by 2050.

Further details on: http//hopeforslums.com/upgrading-kibera-nairobi/

Feedback welcome: c.Trillo2@salford.ac.uk