Department Urban and Regional Planning B.A.(Planning) Year 4 Conducted a Regional Planning Studio for Nakuru County from 4th-9th May 2022

London Ward in Nakuru - Dr. S. Muketha, Eng. James Murimi and area Chief J. Mburu addresses the Local Community during the Focus Group Discussion (FCD)
London Ward in Nakuru - Dr. S. Muketha, Eng. James Murimi and area Chief Mr. Joseph Mburu addresses the Local Community and students during the Focus Group Discussions (FCD)


Department of Urban and Regional Planning B.A. IV conducted a Planning Regional Studio field work in Nakuru County from 4th-9th May 2022. This involved defining the extents of Nakuru North Sub-Counties planning area; defining the growth patterns; defining new growth patterns; suitability analysis and defining the environmentally fragile areas. The wards included Solai, Soin, Eburru, Gilgil, Biashara, Nakuru East, Berut, Kaptembwa, London, Kiamaina, Bahati and Subukia.

The students were expected to carry out field work study in the area of study, which involved households, economic activities and educational data.

