- Presentation of what a CSP is to county officials. This was done at the Governor’s office in Kathwana in Tharaka Nithi, in June 2019.
Plate 1.1: Sensitization Meeting at Kathwana Headquarters. Left: MCAs and Community Leaders Placing Sticky Notes on Issues Affecting the County.
- Mapping of physical and social infrastructure. This was done in July 2019 and community members were critical in showing the team around the various wards to ensure nothing was left unmapped.
Plate 1.2: Mapping Team Preparing for Mapping of Spatial County
- Community participation in creating a vision for the County. The team presented the mapped data to the community at ward levels on various dates in July 2019. The community and various stakeholders then collectively developed a set of vision statements, community goals, and objectives that best articulate the desires of the residents about the future of the county.
Plate 1.3: Focus Group Discussion Session in Gatunga, Tharaka North
Plate 1.3: Focus Group Discussion Session in Mwimbi ward, Tharaka North
Plate 1.3: Output of Visioning Exercise, Tharaka North
- Presentation of the Situational Analysis Report to the County Executive and Members of the County Assembly on 19th November, 2020.
- GIS Training of County Officials.